Mahindra's Auto Quotient for the year 2012 Chennai
city round was held in Hindustan University. IT was jointly organized
by the Department of Automobile Engineering and the Department of
There were nearly 500 students with 250 teams from various colleges in and around Chennai participated. There were two rounds: written test and from that top six teams were selected for the final round on stage.
The event was inaugurated by Dr. A. Joseph Stanley, Director (Academics). Mr.Siddarath Patankar, the popular broadcast business journalist and news anchor, NDTV’s Car & Bike Show was the Quiz Master.
The city finals consisted of five rounds of questions and six teams had participated. Out of the six teams selected, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore was placed first and Sri Sairam Engineering College won the second place. The next round will be the South Zone finals, which will take place in Mumbai in the month of November.
Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director presented memento to Mr.Siddarath Patankar; Dr.Illavazhagan Director (Research) presented memento to Mr.Madave Nane, Marketing Head M&M Mahindra. Dr.K.Sarukesi, Vice Chancellor presented memento to Mr.Anjan Mahindra official.
The Director presented the winner’s trophy to the PSG team and the Vice Chancellor Dr K.Sarukesi presented the runners up trophy to Sri Sairam team.
Prizes and gifts were distributed to the other four teams by the Director Mr. Ashok Verghese, the Vice-Chancellor Dr.K.Sarukesi, the Director (Research) Dr.Illavazhagan and the HOD (Auto) Dr.M.Subramianian.
There were nearly 500 students with 250 teams from various colleges in and around Chennai participated. There were two rounds: written test and from that top six teams were selected for the final round on stage.
The event was inaugurated by Dr. A. Joseph Stanley, Director (Academics). Mr.Siddarath Patankar, the popular broadcast business journalist and news anchor, NDTV’s Car & Bike Show was the Quiz Master.
The city finals consisted of five rounds of questions and six teams had participated. Out of the six teams selected, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore was placed first and Sri Sairam Engineering College won the second place. The next round will be the South Zone finals, which will take place in Mumbai in the month of November.
Mr. Ashok Verghese, Director presented memento to Mr.Siddarath Patankar; Dr.Illavazhagan Director (Research) presented memento to Mr.Madave Nane, Marketing Head M&M Mahindra. Dr.K.Sarukesi, Vice Chancellor presented memento to Mr.Anjan Mahindra official.
The Director presented the winner’s trophy to the PSG team and the Vice Chancellor Dr K.Sarukesi presented the runners up trophy to Sri Sairam team.
Prizes and gifts were distributed to the other four teams by the Director Mr. Ashok Verghese, the Vice-Chancellor Dr.K.Sarukesi, the Director (Research) Dr.Illavazhagan and the HOD (Auto) Dr.M.Subramianian.