City University , London
Take a look at our exciting relationship with City University , London and be glad for us with us.

Dr. Stephen Helps, International Consultant and Professor Dinos Arcoumants, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research. MoU with City University for training students and conducting twinning programmes and PhD programmes. Korea Aero Space University, South
Korea Aero Space University, South Korea
Travel along with us in our exuberant path of victory through sweetheart deals just like this one.

Mr. B. J. Kim (Dean of Planning team) Mr. Shin Yeoul Hur (Deputy Director of International Team) Mr. Sung Whan Kim (Director of Flight Training Center) of Korea Aero Space University. Korea Aero Space University has agreed to impart training programmes to students in the field of Management and Aviation Management.
"Thank you for your time & Have a great day"
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